Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Power of the Dream Board

Back when I was in the middle of the worst of my back pain, when all had seemed hopeless, that good things were not a possibility for me, I made a dream board. A friend and I used to meet for weekly coffee dates sharing different ideas, dreams and thoughts we had for our lives. She would share with me about a dream board she had made and how items began coming to pass. One day she showed me her board, and it inspired me to muster up the little faith that I had. I began to jot down what I saw as impossible goals.

I had a weekend planned visiting one of my best friends, and one of her favourite things to do is host a craft night. A night where her and others join together to keep each other company and inspired while they complete crafts and art projects. I decided it would be a perfect night to work on my dream board. Using a bulletin board, I covered it in fabric to make it look pretty. I then wrote my ideas and dreams on individual cards and included a few images. I know of others who use pictures, magazine cut outs, as well as words and textiles to inspire their visions.

I pinned my ideas on the bulletin board and hung it on my wall to see as a daily reminder. It helped me more than I could have ever imagined. Seeing my dreams daily in print I believe subconsciously aided me to stay focused and to obtain these goals. Or perhaps the declaration of putting my intentions out there was equally as powerful. Any time one of my dreams got accomplished I got rid of it. To help me stay concentrated on the items that remained and to make room for more.

As much as I wanted to make this incredibly, trendy masterpiece of a dream board, I just didn't have the money, time or energy to make it creative. I was in agonizing pain. And at this point my faith was very small. I figured, it doesn't matter that it's not perfect, it just matters that I get it done. My board is simple, and somewhat basic. I didn't necessarily go into the specifics. Mostly because I didn't even believe the simple dreams would ever come to pass. The reason I titled this blog The Power of the Dream Board is because out of the 11 items I posted, 7 of them have come to pass, and only a few remain to be fully completed.

I know there are online versions of this concept too. For some reason I personally felt it was important to physically have it hanging on my wall. Now that many items have been achieved, I decided to make a new one to hang in my room while I am in Norway. This time I had the courage to write more details. I still kept my concept simple, due to finances, but that doesn't change the meaning.

I feel inspired to share my story and to encourage others to make a similar board, big or small, simple or creative, detailed or vague. Just put your heart into it. Take time to meditate on what is in your soul, write down the struggles, the problems, the far out dreams, and watch the solutions come in, and the dreams come to pass. Thoughts can create reality. If you see your board daily, you will eventually believe it for yourself.

If you have a dream board, or have had success with yours I'd love for you to share your story or show the board to inspire others!

My first Dream Board, that I made a little over a year ago.

My new Dream Board that I made this week for my room in Norway.